The Viennese love their dogs and we saw a few daschunds. This one on the tram.

His owner was quite happy for him to be photographed, his name is Ricky.
Later, having lunch we heard loud neighing from the nearby Spanish Riding School. Upon investigation we saw the beautiful white horses out and about – in the process of being moved. Some unhappily.

We also caught up with a couple more churches. The Minoritenkiche, famous for its sloping roof line.

And the famous Karlskirche started by Johanne Fischer and completed by his son Samuel. Famous for the Borromeo columns.

And we finally got to Stephansdom. With all it’s riches.

A final thought – the city was full of Klimpt mania. Not sure what the great artist would think of these- a musical.

And some centenary cakes – the Klimpt surprise and The Kiss.

Well that was a lovely little interlude from my regular day. Thank you!