School of Babel 5 stars. Beautifully layered look at how young people from very diverse backgrounds are managing their move to France. Unfolds slowly. Covers the course of their first year and you slowly learn about their circumstances through classroom activities and parent – teacher interviews. Very moving.
Amour Fou 5 stars. Exquisite film. Every scene brought to mind a Vermeer painting. All austere, beautifully coloured interiors. Buttoned up, perfectly dressed people. Buttoned up in dress and in emotions. Really understated but all the more compelling for that. A self centred poet seeking someone to sacrifice herself for him. And he finds someone! Heart breaking. Here’s the trailer.
Casa Grande 4 stars. Took a while but delivered an emotional punch at the end. A self centred adolescent growing up and discovering what’s important in life. Seemed to be a realistic portrayal of the pressures (self-generated) on the middle class in Rio de Janeiro.
Hard To Be A God 1star. We walked out after an hour. Amazing looking. But had no idea what was happening or why. So awful!
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