I bought some delphiniums from Tessalar – getting their catalogue on a regular basis (post hyacinth purchase) is going to be a real temptation! I bought the Dowdeswell Dephiniums Collection for $105. They are all Delphinium elatum. Here they are.

Here are two pink ones on either side of my Enkianthus chinensus, which as you can see is coming into leaf quite satisfactorily. The delphiniums are Sweetheart on the left – Sweet rose pink florets. Dusky Maiden on the right – Dusk pink florets teamed with brown bees. I hate having the names left in the garden – hence this post!

This is Blue Buccaneers, planted in the left corner of the ‘new’ garden. Deep blue florets with complimentary black bees.

And this is Royal Aspiration, planted a little further back towards the fence and to the right from the Blue Buccaneeers. Electric blue blooms.

This is Pagan Purple – who thinks up these names – on the right hand side of this garden. Tall stems if semi double, deep purple florets.

This is Cobalt Dreams planted in the middle of this garden. Dreamy deep blue with a white eye.

And finally, this is Double Innocence, right at the front of this garden. It will have Double white flowers with decorative green flecks.
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