I've been fascinated by this question since reading the very interesting book by Tim Parks, Where I'm Reading From which I talk about here. He suggests that we are profoundly affected by our earliest introduction to reading - whether it was a positive experience or discouraged - and by the underlying theme or system within which we grow up. This … [Read more...] about Why I Read What I Read
My Cancer Journey
You should blog about your cancer journey. Eleanor suggested it, as she, Joe and I waited outside the pathology room at St Vincents on the 5th of July 2019. I was to have a blood test before a biopsy to determine whether I had lung cancer. I've only recently discovered that there were tears as soon as the door shut behind me - we'd been on a bit … [Read more...] about My Cancer Journey
In October, after visiting Victoria's art silos, my brother and sister and I visited the place where we grew up. What would you call it? Not a town, not even a village. But worthy of a name on maps and roads, a post code (3477), a school (number 3380) (where my mother arrived to teach in the late 1940's), a public hall and tennis courts, a … [Read more...] about Watchupga
On The Sea
As I've reflected on our trip to Antarctica, and all my photos of the ocean, I've been recalling the poem, that inspired the name of this blog, On The Sea, by John Keats. It keeps eternal whisperings around Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell Gluts twice ten thousand caverns, till the spell Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy … [Read more...] about On The Sea
Blog for my daughter on her 21st birthday
Eleanor is a Force of Nature. She showed this when she entered the world - coming early - 2 weeks before her due date - she was meant to be an April baby, about now in fact. But she came on the 20th of March. There were fireworks in the city - marking the end of Moomba. Appropriate. She also arrived quickly - in 2&1/2 hours - our doctor nearly … [Read more...] about Blog for my daughter on her 21st birthday
Remembering my Mother on my Birthday
I've just had my first birthday without my mother. She often told me the story of the night I was born. It was a Thursday (Thursday's child has far to go) in the middle of nowhere (Birchip in north western Victoria). In one of the many small bush nursing hospitals that dotted the country then and that country people relied on for births, deaths and … [Read more...] about Remembering my Mother on my Birthday